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Anna Ho

STEMSEL Time Tunnel (TTT)

Updated: Sep 24

IEM Penang president kindly requested for STEMSEL Technology Time Tunnel ( TTT ) to be included in their IEM ANNUAL EXPO and DINNER on 28 September, 2024 on this coming Saturday.

IEM 槟城主席恳请 STEMSEL Technology 时间隧道(TTT) 参加 2024 年 9 月 28 日即将到来的星期六举行的 IEM 年度博览会和晚宴。

This heading slide will go well with the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) Penang Technology Time Tunnel (TTT) PowerPoint slides which will be displayed on 28 September Saturday to IEM Members and Public during day and the IEM annual dinner at night at Penang Convention Centre in Butterworth.

这张标题幻灯片将与马来西亚工程师学会 (IEM) 槟城科技时间隧道 (TTT) PowerPoint 幻灯片相得益彰,该幻灯片将于 9 月 28 日星期六白天向 IEM 会员和公众展示,晚上在北海槟城会议中心举行的 IEM 年度晚宴上展示。

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