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Anna Ho

South Australia the PLACE where STEM meets SPACE!

Updated: Apr 28

[10:46 pm, 29/03/2024] Peng Choo:

南澳大利亚是 STEM 与 SPACE 相遇的地方!

Myriota & Runlinc transforming STEM with satellite IoT.

Myriota 和 Runlinc 通过卫星物联网改造 STEM。

This is a major breakthrough for South Australia to lead the world in STEM EDUCATION which incorporates IoT satellite connectivity.

这是南澳大利亚在采用物联网卫星连接的 STEM 教育领域引领世界的重大突破。


Myriota Director and her Marketing team are pitching to SA Premier’s office about “Myriota and runlinc transforming STEM with satellite IoT”.!!

Myriota 总监和她的营销团队正在向南澳州长办公室推销“Myriota 和 runlinc 通过卫星物联网改造 STEM”。!!

Yes Myriota and STEMSEL Malaysia will present this game changing development in ITEX2024 international invention expo and competitions from 16,17,18 May 2024.

是的,Myriota 和 STEMSEL Malaysia 将于 2024 年 5 月 16、17、18 日在 ITEX2024 国际发明博览会和竞赛中展示这一改变游戏规则的开发成果。

Absolutely! Buckle up for this: Myriota and Runlinc are shattering the mold of STEM education with their game-changing low-code/easy-coding revolution! For the first time ever, schools and universities can harness the power of IoT satellite connectivity – that's right, we're talking about connecting to satellites! – with user-friendly interfaces that make coding accessible to all. This is a paradigm shift that will ignite students' passion for STEM by allowing them to tackle real-world problems using cutting-edge technology. We're talking about the future, delivered straight to the classroom!

来打破 STEM 教育的模式!学校和大学有史以来第一次可以利用物联网卫星连接的力量 - 没错,我们正在谈论连接到卫星! – 具有用户友好的界面,使所有人都可以进行编码。这是一种范式转变,将激发学生对 STEM 的热情,让他们能够使用尖端技术解决现实世界的问题。我们正在谈论未来,直接传递到教室!

[3:22 pm, 13/03/2024] Peng Choo:

Myriota IoT satellite is a team member building the South Australian Government’s FIRST satellite called Kanyini!!!

Myriota IoT 卫星是南澳大利亚政府第一颗卫星 Kanyini 的团队成员!

KANYINI is an Aboriginal name selected through a South Australian school competitions to name Australia’s first Government own satellite!!!

KANYINI 是通过南澳大利亚学校竞赛选出的原住民名称,用于命名澳大利亚第一颗政府拥有的卫星!

STEMSEL connecting students SA Government IoT Satellite named Kanyini a word from APY Lands in a naming competition won by Findon High School year11 students.

STEMSEL 连接学生 SA 政府物联网卫星在 Findon 高中 11 年级学生赢得的命名比赛中以 APY Lands 的单词命名 Kanyini。

APY Lands General Manager Richard King has welcomed the satellite’s APY Lands connection.

APY Lands 总经理理查德·金 (Richard King) 对卫星与 APY Lands 的连接表示欢迎。

“All communities on the Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands are proud that the word ‘Kanyini’, a tenet of our ancient language, will be used for the new satellite,” Mr King said.

金先生表示:“Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara 土地上的所有社区都为新卫星将使用‘Kanyini’一词(我们古代语言的一个原则)感到自豪。” 

“The combination of ancient Australia and modern Australia coming together in this new space frontier will be a matter of great celebration for the first South Australians of Central Australian Deserts.”


When you next meet with Government officials please share this wonderful Hakka Technology Myriota IoT satellite story!!

 当您下次与政府官员会面时,请分享这个精彩的客家科技 Myriota 物联网卫星故事!


Tell SA Premier, the Governor of SA, Police Minister and others this runlinc Hakka Technology tagline is the gift from Hakka Association of South Australia:


South Australia is the PLACE where STEM meets SPACE!

南澳大利亚是 STEM 与 SPACE 相遇的地方!

[3:32 pm, 13/03/2024] Anna Ho:

So cute and beautiful !


[3:32 pm, 13/03/2024] Peng Choo:

This will put South Australia on the world map for providing STEM QUALITY EDUCATION SDG4 to implement all SDGs!

这将使南澳大利亚在提供 STEM 优质教育 SDG4 以实施所有可持续发展目标方面跻身世界地图!


Yes everyone likes this tagline.


Many hands make light work!!


HakkaSA will put SA ahead of other states on QUALITY STEM EDUCATION SDG4

HakkaSA 将使南澳在优质 STEM 教育 SDG4 方面领先于其他州

[4:01 pm, 13/03/2024] Peng Choo:

Last Sunday afternoon Krishna in Perak Malaysia connected to my runlinc wifi controller here in Adelaide over the internet to program my chip connected to the Myriota IoT Satellite Transmitter....

上周日下午,马来西亚霹雳州的 Krishna 通过互联网连接到我在阿德莱德的 runlinc wifi 控制器,对连接到 Myriota 物联网卫星发射器的芯片进行编程......


...Krishna in Malaysia sharing the runlinc page he has opened from chip on my roof in Australia. The runlinc chip is connected to sensors and a Satellite Transmitter.

...马来西亚的 Krishna 分享了他在澳大利亚屋顶上的芯片上打开的 runlinc 页面。 runlinc 芯片连接到传感器和卫星发射器。


So He is transmitting Temperature, Humidity and light level from my roof in Australia to a Satellite.


...Krishna is sharing his page here of the Data from the Satellite...After about 1 hour the satellite came over my house in Australia and collected the data and sent it to Krishnas own runlinc online web page in Malaysia for display as a GPS location map and graph of sensor data.

 ...Krishna 在这里分享他的卫星数据页面...大约 1 小时后,卫星来到我在澳大利亚的房子上空,收集了数据并将其发送到 Krishna 在马来西亚的自己的 runlinc 在线网页,以显示为GPS 位置图和传感器数据图表。

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