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Anna Ho

Practise and measure the LUCK experience

[8:28 AM, 9/21/2024] Peng Choo:

Somehow, I think this article expresses my experiences about luck.

Luck is not a magical ability or a gift from the gods. Instead, it is a way of thinking and behaving.

 Richard Wiseman

Ever felt like some people just have all the luck? They seem to stumble upon the right opportunities, meet the right people, and effortlessly achieve their goals. On the other hand, you might be grinding away, putting in the effort, but luck still feels like it's evading you. But what if I told you that luck isn't just a random twist of fate? It's something you can actively work on and cultivate. Let’s explore what luck really is and how you can build it into your life.





What is Luck, Really?

Often, we think of luck as a random occurrence, a stroke of fortune that falls from the sky. But is it really that simple? Renowned author and psychologist Richard Wiseman suggests a more nuanced view. He identifies four types of luck:

Blind Luck: This is the classic lottery win scenario—pure chance with no control on your part.

Luck Through Action: This is where hustle meets opportunity. By being proactive and constantly moving, you increase your chances of stumbling upon lucky breaks.

Luck Through Recognition: Skill and expertise enable you to spot lucky opportunities that others might miss.

Character-Based Luck: Cultivating a unique personality and approach can magnetically attract luck.


通常,我们认为运气是随机发生的,是天而降的运气。但真的那么简单吗?著名作家和心理学家理查德·怀斯曼 (Richard Wiseman) 提出了一个更微妙的观点。他确定了四种类型的运气:

盲目运气:这是经典的彩票中奖场景 - 纯粹的机会,您无法控制。


通过认可来运气: 技能和专业知识使您能够发现其他人可能会错过的幸运机会。


Building Your Own Luck

Although blind luck is out of our hands, the other three types of luck are within our control. While we may not be able to manage every variable, we can substantially shape our own luck.

Embrace a Growth Mindset: Believe in your ability to learn and grow. This openness to new experiences is a cornerstone of luck.

Cultivate Curiosity: A curious mind is always exploring, always learning. This expands your knowledge base and increases your chances of connecting the dots.

Be Proactive: Don't wait for opportunities to come to you. Create your own luck by taking initiative and stepping outside your comfort zone.

Build Relationships: A strong network can open doors to unexpected opportunities. Invest time in building genuine connections.

Develop Resilience: Setbacks are inevitable. How you respond to them determines your luck. Bounce back stronger and learn from your failures.

Trust Your Gut: Intuition is often overlooked but can be a powerful tool. Learn to trust your instincts and make decisions based on your gut feelings.

Practice Optimism: A positive outlook attracts positive outcomes. Train your mind to focus on possibilities rather than limitations.



拥抱成长型思维模式: 相信自己的学习和成长能力。这种对新体验的开放态度是运气的基石。






实践乐观: 积极的前景会吸引积极的结果。训练你的思维专注于可能性而不是限制。

[8:30 AM, 9/21/2024] Peng Choo:

Everyone can practise and measure the LUCK experience using the power of Hakka Technology competitive advantage in saving time and money.

The NOVAFAST and Datuk Sim encounters are incidents we can measure for greater good.

More description by an unknown person who describes our Hakka Technology experiences

每个人都可以利用客家科技的竞争优势来练习和衡量 LUCK 体验,以节省时间和金钱。

NOVAFAST 和拿督 Sim 的遭遇是我们可以衡量以产生更大利益的事件。


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