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Anna Ho

Persistence of Will Manifests What You Desire

Updated: Feb 10

[16/1, 22:18pm] Peng Choo

Yu Chye School in Balik Pulau has Hakka Technology.

Balik Pulau is where Maggie Fong (Flyer Queen) is developing a Hakka Village.

Maggie is passionate about Hakka Heritage.

Let’s connect with Maggie Fong to start a “runlinc Hakka Technology Quality Education UN SDG4 centre”. 

I think UNESCO will support because UNESCO Malaysia is funding Orang Asli students to use runlinc Hakka Technology competitive advantage of few lines compare to hundreds of lines of codes to make STEM IoT AI PROJECTS quickly to save time to add more features to win Innovation Creativity Social Entrepreneurship competitions in order to win scholarships to reduce financial burden of families.

Hakka Village

61, Jalan Bukit Kebun Kha, Pulau Betong, MK 7 Balik Pulau, 11020 Penang.

Tel: 04-2829666 / 016-4116666.

Malaysia Hakka Heritage Centre

3rd Floor, 34, Jalan Burma, 10050 Penang. Phone:+60 4-229 0603 (open some afternoons).

Jessieca Leo Global Hakka h

P/s Once you have a conversation with Maggie Fong it will pave the way for Miro ( STEMSEL CTO) to visit and hopefully do a runlinc Hakka technology STEM IoT AI Coding workshop at Balik Pulau Hakka village with Yu Chye students with support from Maggie Fong who will help to create the global network of Hakka Associations to support her idea to develop a GRAND HAKKA VILLAGE in Balik Pulau.


You have really inspired a major runlinc Hakka Technology Quality Education project in Penang which celebrates 50 year relationship with South Australia in 2023!

runlinc gives you the focus to complete main task amongst many different other things on hand

runlinc competitive edge quickly completes your own personal case study.

Only when you have a unique case study then you can tap the unlimited creativity in you which is in hibernation.

Refer to Mustafa’s FREE SOLAR POWER Humanitarian project.

Most times your unique runlinc case study is verified by others

Abdul Jimoh from Nigeria confirms through live demonstration the 542 lines of code in his final year IoT Chicken Feeder can be reduced to 16 lines using runlinc Fast Coding.


Mustafa used runlinc competitive edge to reduce monthly solar system repayments to zero to get FREE SOLAR POWER for his house which becomes a life saving mini power station in war torn Sudan.

Abdul and Mustafa verified runlinc saves time and money.

[17/1, 8:53 am] Peng Choo:

The significance of individual runlinc case study?

It links to everything STEM and Economics

The great secret of power is concentration.

Many people apply the power of intention in ways that do not get them the strongest results. That is because they use power for many different things instead of focusing all power towards one thing. Do not divide your forces on two or more desires but concentrate all day upon a single desire. It doesn’t matter if you have other desires to focus on. The fascinating thing is that when you focus on the most important desire, the other desires will also be taken care of.

Have one goal in mind whether be it a financial goal, a business goal, a relationship goal and fully determine to have it. You want to channel your power only in a single area to make a total success before moving on to the next goal. There are times when you may have to switch between goals, but that’s ok as long as you maintain focus back on your dominant goal in the moment. Select a dominant goal and be sure about it and do not waver from it until you have accomplished it the way you really want it.

The attractive force of desire starts the object of your desire toward you, and your unwavering determination and concentration all day brings it into visibility. Remember that the intensity is the attracter of the chaos field that pulls atom and molecules together and weave them into form. By stopping the determination, you disperse the field that was being built up, and hence the thing does not fully form. Keep at it and whatever that is needed to bring it into fruition will come together and manifestation occurs.


浮罗山背的Yu Chye学校拥有客家技术。

浮罗山背是Maggie Fong(浮罗山背)的Yu Chye学校拥有客家技术。

浮罗山背是Maggie Fong(传单女王)正在开发客家村的地方。


让我们与Maggie Fong联系,共同创办“润林客家科技"runlinc Hakka Technology素质教育联合国可持续发展目标4中心”。

我认为联合国教科文组织会支持,因为联合国教科文组织马来西亚分会资助原住民学生使用runlinc Hakka Technology的竞争优势,与数百行代码相比,几行代码可以快速制作STEM物联网AI项目,以节省时间添加更多功能以赢得创新,创造力,社会创业竞赛,以赢得奖学金,减轻家庭的经济负担。


Hakka Village

61, Jalan Bukit Kebun Kha, Pulau Betong, MK 7 Balik Pulau, 11020 Penang.

Tel: 04-2829666 / 016-4116666.


Malaysia Hakka Heritage Centre

3rd Floor, 34, Jalan Burma, 10050 Penang. Phone:+60 4-229 0603 (open some afternoons).

Jessieca Leo Global Hakka h

P/S 一旦您与 Maggie Fong 进行对话,它将为 Miro (STEMSEL 首席技术官)访问铺平道路,并希望在 Maggie Fong 的支持下,与 Yu Chye 学生一起在 Balik Pulau Hakka 村举办 runlinc 客家技术 STEM 物联网 AI 编码研讨会,她将帮助创建全球客家协会网络,以支持她在浮罗山背开发 GRAND HAKKA VILLAGE 的想法。

哇 !


runlinc 让您专注于完成主要任务以及手头的许多不同事情

runlinc Competitive Edge可以快速完成您自己的个人案例研究。



大多数情况下,您独特的 runlinc 案例研究会被其他人验证

来自尼日利亚的 Abdul Jimoh 通过现场演示证实,使用 runlinc Fast Coding,他最后一年的 IoT Chicken Feeder 的 542 行代码可以减少到 16 行。


Abdul 和 Mustafa 验证了 runlinc 节省时间和金钱。

[17/1,上午8:53]Peng Choo:







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