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Anna Ho

Never give up !

Dr Peng Choo, 19 June 2024 9:58am:

SA Premier the Hon Peter Malinauskas MP and Head of Australian Space Agency Enrico Palermo received Congratulatory Messages from INTEL Penang Engineer Inventor Dr Cheah on developing Kanyini IoT satellite 🛰️. It provides a World First runlinc Myriota satellite 🛰️ IoT capabilities for STEM education.

We appreciate the Premier’s support to make 100,000 Google Chromebooks in Adelaide.

runlinc Hakka technology has made it possible for students using Chromebooks to include the World First runlinc Hakka Technology Myriota satellite 🛰️ IoT capabilities in STEM projects which was not possible before.

I am glad to see Larry Chin’s reply to your email sharing Hakka Technology with the Hakka Association in Vancouver.

Never give up.


南澳州州长Peter Malinauskas国会议员兼澳大利亚航天局局长Enrico Palermo收到了INTEL槟城工程师发明家Cheah博士关于开发Kanyini物联网卫星🛰️的贺电。它为STEM教育提供了世界上第一个运行Myriota卫星🛰️物联网功能。

我们感谢总理支持在阿德莱德生产 100,000 台 Google Chromebook。

runlinc Hakka 技术使使用 Chromebook 的学生能够将世界上第一个 runlinc Hakka Technology Myriota 卫星🛰️物联网功能纳入 STEM 项目,这在以前是不可能的。

我很高兴看到Larry Chin回复了您与温哥华客家协会分享客家科技的电子邮件。


The world has likely instilled in you the importance of passion and persistence. Grit is embedded in our cultural aphorisms, from the British “Keep Calm and Carry On” to the American adage “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

Success—in life, in work, in creative pursuits—is synonymous with keeping our noses to the grindstone as we rack up the requisite ​10,000 hours​ that Malcolm Gladwell popularized.

There are many reasons to celebrate grit. The things that we value most, from meaningful relationships to professional triumphs, require us to persist through challenging times. Thomas Edison reportedly churned out more than 1,000 unsuccessful prototypes before inventing a working light bulb. Where would we be if he threw up his hands after failure number 500?


成功——在生活、工作、创造性追求中——都是我们在马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)推广的必要10,000小时中保持鼻子的代名词。

庆祝勇气的理由有很多。我们最看重的事情,从有意义的人际关系到职业上的胜利,都需要我们在充满挑战的时期坚持下去。据报道,托马斯·爱迪生(Thomas Edison)在发明工作灯泡之前制作了1000多个不成功的原型。如果他在 500 次失败后举起双手,我们会在哪里?


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