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Anna Ho

Hakka Dictionaries

Today, we, the Hakka Association Committee members thanked Hau Pehn Yapp, our legal adviser for providing us with some useful resource information relating to "the Hakka language and Culture". It is so amazing to know or curiously find out that the "Hakka language is a living fossil of ancient Chinese in the central plains" and not only that, Hakka "is one of the oldest Chinese Dialects in China".

We therefore envisage and invite our members and their families to learn to speak the Hakka language and its culture. And by doing so, you could also make a contribution to lead the young generation as a model to learning more about our Hakka Culture and language of your ancestors.

Last but not least, once again, thank you Hau Pehn for your thoughtfulness and contributions toward the Hakka Association of South Australia Inc.

We wish you all again the best of 2024, health and good luck always!

今天,我们客家公会理事会成员感谢我们的法律顾问叶 浩 鹏(Hau Pehn Yapp)为我们提供了一些有关“客家语言和文化”的有用资源信息。知道或好奇地发现“客家话是中原古代汉语的活化石”,不仅如此,客家话“是中国最古老的汉语方言之一”,真是太神奇了。


最后但并非最不重要的一点是,再次感谢浩 鹏 对南澳大利亚客家公会的体贴和贡献。

我们再次祝愿大家在 2024 年一切顺利,身体健康,万事如意!

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