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Anna Ho

Everyone is helping!!

[08:49 am, 02/05/2024] Peng Choo:

Morning Anna

Thank you for the wonderful “Sharing is caring video”


[08:53 am, 02/05/2024] Peng Choo:

I was just now watching a video of runlinc Satellite 🛰️ IoT in STEM by St Anthony School ( SAS) in Telok Intan Perak as you sent the Hakka Technology video!


SAS ITEX 2024 Innovation competitions Video Sent to Competition Entry ( before deadline ).

SAS ITEX 2024 创新竞赛视频已发送到参赛作品(截止日期前)。

A World First!!!

I have started engaging Sabah Hakka Association.

They are so interested to give their children the first bite of the cherry!🍒


他们非常有兴趣给他们的孩子咬第一口樱桃! 🍒

Shall we invite members of Hakka Association in Penang to join Miro?

I will pass to Miro




[9:42 am, 02/05/2024] Anna Ho:

Okay no problems.


[9:42 am, 02/05/2024] Peng Choo:

Thank you Anna.


[9:42 am, 02/05/2024] Anna Ho:

You're welcome


[9:45 am, 02/05/2024] Peng Choo:

Everyone is helping!!

Satellite 🛰️ IoT company is arranging for Miro to present runlinc AI Hakka Technology to Premier and Federal Minister of Science Innovation Hon Ed Husic and director of Space Agency.

卫星🛰️物联网公司正在安排 Miro 向总理兼联邦科学创新部长 Hon Ed Husic 和航天局局长展示 runlinc AI Hakka 技术。

[10:24 am, 02/05/2024] Peng Choo: ]

Thank you. Will forward to INTEL, Institution of Engineers Malaysia and UoW professors hosting Miro. Hopefully they are connected to members of the Hakka Association!

谢谢。将转发给英特尔、马来西亚工程师学会和接待 Miro 的 UoW 教授。 希望他们能与客家人协会的成员建立联系!

[3:20 pm, 02/05/2024] Peng Choo:

Miro will present Hakka Technology runlinc AI capabilities to a Malaysia Government Minister at University of Wollongong (UoW) KDU in Penang on 14th May 2024.

Miro 将于 2024 年 5 月 14 日在槟城卧龙岗大学 (UoW) 伯乐学府向马来西亚政府部长展示客家科技运行人工智能功能。

[3:29 pm, 02/05/2024] Peng Choo:

The IoT satellite company is working hard with Australian Government Embassies, Australian Trade Commission networks across the world to break into new markets in North South AMERICA, Europe, Asia especially ASEAN, SAARC etc.


[3:30 pm, 02/05/2024] Anna Ho:



[3:34 pm, 02/05/2024] Peng Choo:

Myriota satellite 🛰️ IoT company is supported by South Australian Government.

Myriota provides the satellite 🛰️ IoT for the South Australian Government’s own satellite called Kanyini earmarked to be launched in July 2024.



[3:36 pm, 02/05/2024] Anna Ho:

Thanks for your clear explanations Dr Choo 👍


[3:51 pm, 02/05/2024] Peng Choo:

A survey by Malaysian students and teachers show that Malaysia does not have access to Easy Coding satellite 🛰️ IoT technology for schools and universities.

马来西亚学生和教师的一项调查显示,马来西亚的学校和大学无法获得Easy Coding卫星🛰️物联网技术。

The connection of runlinc AI Hakka Technology to Myriota satellite 🛰️ IoT is a major breakthrough for STEM education!

runlinc AI Hakka Technology与Myriota卫星🛰️物联网的连接是STEM教育的重大突破!

It is a World First!

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Anna Ho
May 03
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It has been a pleasure to have helped. We appreciate your feedback. Thank you for supporting the Hakka Association of South Australia Inc. Have a wonderful day!

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