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Anna Ho

Annual General Meeting

Updated: Aug 8

Dear Members,

Please note that our 1st Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday 24 August, 2024 as

convened during the last Committee meeting. All eligible members are welcomed to attend the meeting.

You can download the Rules of The Hakka Association of South Australia Inc for more details and click here for the Nomination Form.

Completed Nomination Forms must be emailed to our Legal Advisor - Hau Pehn Yapp, who is appointed as our Returning/Election officer, by Friday, 09 August 2024.



请注意,我们的第一届年度大会 (AGM) 将于 2024 年 8 月 24 日星期六举行,因为






填妥的提名表格必须在 九 日星期五之前通过电子邮件发送给我们的法律顾问 – 叶浩鹏,他被任命为我们的选举/选举官员。


Email address:

Below are some key information:


13.2. The Committee shall consist of nine (9) committee members who shall be elected by secret ballot at the Annual General Meeting for the office holding positions specified in Rule 14.

13.3 A meeting of committee shall be held at least once in three months

13.3 A quorum for a meeting of committee shall be at least one half of all committee members, one of whom must be the President or Vice President. Proxies are not permitted to vote at a meeting of the committee.

13.4 The office of a Committee member shall become vacant if a Committee member is:

13.4.1 disqualified from being a Committee member by the Act.

13.4.2 expelled as a member under these Rules.

13.4.3 Permanently incapacitated by ill health.

13.4.4 absent without apology from more than four meetings in a financial year.

13.4.5   if applicable no longer the duly appointed representative of a corporate member.


13. 管理委员会

13.2. 委员会应由九 (9) 名委员会成员组成,这些委员会成员应在年度大会上以无记名投票方式选出,担任第 14 条规定的职位。

13.3 委员会会议应至少每三个月举行一次

13.3 委员会会议的法定人数应至少为所有委员会成员的半数,其中一名必须为会长或副会长。


14.1. The Officers of the Association shall be:

(a) 1 President.

(b) 2 Vice Presidents

(c) 1 Treasurer

(d) 1 Secretary

(e) Up to 4 committee members

Thanks for your attention.

Warm regards

Anna Ho

Secretary of The Hakka Association of SA Inc.

14. 公职人员:


14.1. 公会的官员应为:


(a) 会长1名。


(b) 副会长2名


(c) 1名财务主任


(d) 秘书1名


(e) 最多4名委员会成员





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