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Anna Ho

An Invitation to Guangzhou

Dear Members

President George has just received an Invitation from Guangzhou for the World Hakka Youth Conference.

Please send to your friend or colleague to see if any body especially young people who want to go.

Time is a bit short, as the conference will be held from 11th to 13rd of October 2024.

We express our gratitude to the Preparatory Committee for the 5th World Hakka Congress for the invitation.




时间有点短,因为会议将于 2024 年 10 月 11 日至 13 日举行。


築夢⼤灣區 客⻘創未來 in the future



尊敬的南澳客家公會會⻑陳⽂芳先⽣ :  

您好! 世界客屬⻘年⼤會(客⻘⼤會)發起並成⽴於2011年,先後在廣東梅州、中國⾹港、中國澳⾨、英國倫敦舉辦過四届,有“⼩世客會”之 稱。經國務院僑務辦公室批復同意,第五届客⻘⼤會將由廣東省客屬海外聯誼會主辦,並於2024年10⽉11⽇⾄13⽇在廣州市⽩雲區⽩雲國際會 議中⼼舉⾏。

本次⼤會旨在彙聚全球客屬⻘年,共同探討交流、創新發展、合作共贏的重要議題,增强⽂化認同,促進交流合作。 ⼤會主題為 “築夢⼤灣區 客⻘創未來”,我們希望通過這⼀平臺展示全球客屬⻘年的⾵采與才華,推動客家⽂化在新時代的傳承與創新。

 本 次⼤會設有“客⻘講客語”⼤賽、“我和我的祖籍國”隨⼿拍暨書畫展、“客⻘博⼠與客家院⼠”、“客⻘與客商”、“客⻘聯歡之夜”等多場對話交流和 主題活動,展示全球客屬⻘年的聰明才智與⽂化創意,促進全球客家⻘年之間的交流與合作。 客家⽂化源遠流⻑,是中華⽂化的重要組成部分。

此次⼤會不僅為各地客屬⻘年提供了⼀個展示才華的平臺,更是⼀次相互學習、 共同進步的寶貴機會。貴會作為中華⽂化的重要傳播者和傳承者,我們誠摯邀請貴會組織10名⻘年代表(18⾄50歲)出席本次盛會,共 享榮光。


 此致 敬禮!




Dreaming of a great bay area for visitors, creating a future in Interfutoure

 The 5th World Hakka Year's Conference

Dear Mr. Chin Wenfang,

President of the Hakka Association of South Australia, 

Hello! Initiated and established in 2011, the World Hakka Annual Congress (Hakka Congress) has been held four times in Meizhou, Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao, China, and London, United Kingdom. With the approval of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, the 5th Guest Conference will be hosted by the Guangdong Hakka Overseas Friendship Association and held from October 11 to 13, 2024 at the Baiyun International Conference Center, Baiyun District, Guangzhou.


The purpose of this conference is to bring together the world's Hakka years to discuss important issues of exchange, innovation and development, and win-win cooperation, enhance cultural identity, and promote exchanges and cooperation. The theme of the conference is "Building a Dream in the Greater Bay Area, Hakka Creates the Future", and we hope to showcase the style and talent of Hakka people around the world through this platform, and promote the inheritance and innovation of Hakka culture in the new era.


The conference has a number of dialogues, exchanges and theme activities, such as the "Hakka Speaking Hakka" competition, the "My Ancestral Country and Me" hand-shooting and calligraphy and painting exhibition, "Hakka Doctor and Hakka Academician", "Hakka and Merchants", "Hakka Gala Night" and other dialogues, exchanges and theme activities, to showcase the wisdom and cultural creativity of Hakka people around the world, and promote exchanges and cooperation between Hakka people around the world. Hakka culture has a long history and is an important part of Chinese culture.


This conference not only provides a platform for Hakka people from all over the world to show their talents, but also a valuable opportunity to learn from each other and make progress together. As an important disseminator and inheritor of Chinese culture, we sincerely invite 10 young representatives (aged 18 to 50) to attend this event and share the glory.

Please send your participation information or congratulatory message to the mailbox before September 28, 2024.

Thank you for your support and cooperation!

 Sincerely, Regards!

We sincerely look forward to your participation in the 5th World Hakka Annual Conference and work together to promote the inheritance and development of Chinese culture.

Preparatory Committee for the 5th World Hakka Congress

September 15, 2024

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