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Anna Ho


作者:韩 正德医生 27/01/2024 @ 10.57am



下面我就把经韩、王医生的协助由遼𡨴书法家王明陽先生书写的“移民之光” 的条幅展示給大家。我们真诚的感到:“移民之光”这四个大字是对我们的先辈崇高的移民精神最高的赞譽。

作者:客家公会会长陈文方先生 28/01/202 13:15pm

韩 正德医生和Elizabeth Wang医生赠送的“移民之光“对我们来说非常珍贵和有意义,因为它反映了我们作为客家人的身份和内涵。

"Light of Immigrants"

By Dr. Zhen De Han 27/01/2024 @ 10.57am

This year is the second year of establishment of our South Australia Hakka Association. Looking back more than two years ago, when we were planning to establish this association with the encouragement and support of many fellow Hakka people, we really did not expect that our association would develop into what it is today and is loved and cared for by many, including relatives and friends. look like.

We should all feel very honored. For this reason, all members our association would like to express our sincere gratitude and blessings to all the distinguished guests present today!

Next, we will show you the

banner written by the Liao calligrapher Mr. Wang Mingyang with the assistance of Dr. Han and Dr. Wang. We sincerely feel that the four characters the "Light of Immigrants" are the highest praise for the noble immigrant spirit of our ancestors.

By President, George Chin 28/01/202 13:15pm

The gift "“移民之光” "Light of Immigrant" from Dr Z De Han and Dr Elizabeth Wang is very precious and meaningful for us as it reflects who and what we are as Hakka people.

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