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Our Logo

Logo Description: In the heart of our South Australia Hakka Association's emblem, a vibrant globe stands tall, symbolizing our commitment to global connectivity. The intertwining arcs encircling the globe represent unity, echoing our dedication to inclusiveness, where every individual is a valued thread in the rich tapestry of our community. Radiating from the centre, golden pathways extend to the edges, signifying prosperity forged through shared aspirations and collective endeavours. These paths weave through the diverse elements of our community, showcasing the strength that arises from embracing our differences. Our Logo embraces shared values signify kindness, fostering an environment where compassion and understanding thrive. It carries a symbolic offering, a gesture of goodwill that transcends borders and cultures, embodying the generosity that defines our association. Surrounding this central emblem, an intricate pattern emerges, reflecting the tapestry of our community engagement. Diverse symbols and shapes interlock, representing the myriad talents, traditions, and stories that each member brings. The outer layers are not just ornamental but a testament to the interconnectedness that forms the foundation of our association. Together, these elements encapsulate the spirit of the South Australia Hakka Association — a beacon of global connectivity, inclusiveness, prosperity, kindness, and active community engagement. Our logo stands as a visual ode to the harmonious symphony created when individuals from varied backgrounds join hands to build a vibrant and thriving community. 标志说明: 在我们南澳大利亚客家公会会徽的中心,一个充满活力的地球仪巍然耸立,象征着我们对全球连通性的承诺。环绕地球的交织弧线代表着团结,呼应了我们对包容性的奉献,每个人都是我们社区丰富多彩的挂毯中有价值的一线。 金色的通道从中心向外辐射,一直延伸到边缘,象征着通过共同的愿望和集体努力铸就的繁荣。这些路径贯穿于我们社区的不同元素中,展示了拥抱差异所产生的力量。 我们的徽标包含共同的价值观,象征着善良,营造一个充满同情心和理解力的环境。它承载着一种象征性的奉献,一种超越国界和文化的善意姿态,体现了定义我们协会的慷慨。 在这个中心标志周围,出现了一个复杂的图案,反映了我们社区参与的挂毯。不同的符号和形状交织在一起,代表着每个成员带来的无数才能、传统和故事。外层不仅是装饰性的,而且是相互联系的证明,构成了我们协会的基础。这些元素共同体现了南澳大利亚客家公会的精神——全球连通性、包容性、繁荣、善良和活跃社区的灯塔。




Together, we are the driving force behind the success of our Association, and it is through your involvement that we can continue to flourish and make a positive impact on our community.




A commitment to preserving the rich Hakka heritage


Hakka Association Of SA Inc provides members with news and useful information to help promote our Hakka Culture. And We, the Hakka Members are to building a Hakka Association in South Australia Inc. that promotes harmony and kinship requires dedication, community involvement, and a commitment to preserving the rich Hakka heritage. It is a long-term endeavor that can have a profound impact on the cultural identity and unity of the Hakka community in the region. If you’d like more information about what we do and how to join us, get in touch directly.

Our Mission Statement




The Hakka Association of South Australia is dedicated to preserving and celebrating the rich cultural heritage of the Hakka people while fostering a strong and supportive community in South Australia.


Our vision is to be a vibrant and inclusive hub where Hakka culture thrives, and where individuals and families of Hakka heritage can connect, learn, and grow together.

Grow With Our Core Value

文化保护:我们致力于保护和弘扬客家人独特的文化传统、语言和历史。 社区:我们努力创建一个紧密、热情的社区,为所有客家人及其家人提供支持、友情和归属感。 教育:我们的目标是让我们的会员和更广泛的社区了解客家文化、历史和对社会的贡献。 团结:我们主张促进南澳客家人的团结与合作,促进协作与相互支持。 融合:在保留我们的文化特征的同时,我们还鼓励与更广泛的澳大利亚社会融合,促进跨文化理解和欣赏。

  1. Cultural Preservation: We are committed to preserving and promoting the unique cultural traditions, language, and history of the Hakka people.

  2. Community: We strive to create a close-knit, welcoming community that provides support, camaraderie, and a sense of belonging to all Hakka individuals and their families.

  3. Education: We aim to educate both our members and the broader community about Hakka culture, history, and contributions to society.

  4. Unity: We believe in fostering unity and cooperation among Hakka people in South Australia, promoting collaboration and mutual support.

  5. Integration: While preserving our cultural identity, we also encourage integration with the broader Australian society, fostering cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

Red Fabric Waves_edited_edited.jpg

组织文化活动、工作坊和展览,以弘扬客家遗产和传统。 为南澳大利亚客家传统的个人和家庭提供支持和资源。 促进所有年龄段的语言课程和文化交流项目。 与其他文化和社区组织合作,增强我们的集体影响力。 通过公共宣传和教育活动提高对南澳大利亚客家文化和历史的认识。​​

  1. Organize cultural events, workshops, and exhibitions to promote Hakka heritage and traditions.

  2. Provide support and resources for individuals and families of Hakka heritage in South Australia.

  3. Facilitate language classes and cultural exchange programs for all age groups.

  4. Collaborate with other cultural and community organizations to strengthen our collective impact.

  5. Promote awareness of Hakka culture and history in South Australia through public outreach and educational initiatives.

Cultural Engagement 

为了客家社区的利益,南澳客家公会的目标是: 定期举办展示客家传统、美食、音乐和艺术的文化活动、研讨会和节日。 与当地学校和大学合作,提供有关客家文化和历史的教育项目。 鼓励会员分享与客家遗产相关的个人故事和经历。


In the interest of our Hakka Community, Hakka Association of South Australia Inc. will aim to:

  • Host regular cultural events, workshops, and festivals that showcase Hakka traditions, cuisine, music, and arts.

  • Collaborate with local schools and universities to offer educational programs about Hakka culture and history.

  • Encourage members to share their personal stories and experiences related to Hakka heritage.

Brewing Tea
Crowd and lion dancers in the celebration of the chinese New Year in Ho Chi Minh City, Vie
Playing Chinese chess

Promote Harmony and Kinship

组织有关文化价值观、家庭纽带和建立更强的社区意识的对话和讨论。 建立冲突解决机制,解决协会内部争议,促进团结。

  • Organize dialogues and discussions on cultural values, family bonds, and building a stronger sense of community.

  • Establish conflict resolution mechanisms to address disputes within the association and promote unity.

Outreach and Collaboration

与南澳大利亚的其他文化和社区组织建立伙伴关系,以加强联系并促进多样性。 与当地政府和多元文化机构密切合作,以获得客家社区的支持和认可。​​

  • Forge partnerships with other cultural and community organizations in South Australia to strengthen connections and promote diversity.

  • Work closely with local government and multicultural agencies to gain support and recognition for the Hakka community.

Communication and Marketing

通过定期通讯、电子邮件和社交媒体更新让会员了解即将发生的活动和举措。 创建营销材料,突出协会对和谐与亲情的承诺。​

  • Keep members informed through regular newsletters, emails, and social media updates regarding upcoming events and initiatives.

  • Create marketing materials that highlight the association's commitment to harmony and kinship.

Feedback & Evaluation

鼓励会员对协会的活动提供反馈并寻求改进意见。 定期进行评估,衡量协会对促进客家社区和谐与亲情的影响。

  • Encourage members to provide feedback on the association's activities and seek input for improvements.

  • Conduct periodic assessments to measure the impact of the association on promoting harmony and kinship within the Hakka community.

Sustainability & Growth

制定可持续的资助战略,其中可能包括会员费、赠款、捐赠和筹款活动。 培养领导层继任计划,以确保协会多年来的连续性和发展。​

  • Develop a sustainable funding strategy, which may include membership dues, grants, donations, and fundraising events.

  • Nurture leadership succession plans to ensure the association's continuity and growth over the years.

Long -Term Initiative

探索与其他地区或国家客家人文化交流的机会。 考虑设立奖学金或文化保护项目,留下持久的遗产。

  • Explore opportunities for cultural exchanges with Hakka communities in other regions or countries.

  • Consider establishing scholarships or cultural preservation projects to leave a lasting legacy.

Long -Term Initiative

  • Explore opportunities for cultural exchanges with Hakka communities in other regions or countries.

  • Consider establishing scholarships or cultural preservation projects to leave a lasting legacy.

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